Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Conditional Statements

We can control the flow of our script with conditional statements and looping statements.

Using conditional statements, we can write VBScript code that makes decisions and repeats actions. The following conditional statements are available in VBScript:

1) If…Then…Else Statement

2) Select Case Statement 

8.1 Making Decisions Using If...Then...Else

The If...Then...Else statement is used to evaluate whether a condition is True or False and, depending on the result, to specify one or more statements to run. Usually the condition is an expression that uses a comparison operator to compare one value or variable with another.
If...Then...Else statements can be nested to as many levels as you need.

8.1.1 Running a Statements if a Condition is True (single statement)

To run only one statement when a condition is True, use the single-line syntax for the If...Then...Else statement.

Dim myDate
    myDate = #2/13/98#

    If myDate < mydate =" Now "

8.1.2 Running Statements if a Condition is True (multiple statements)


To run more than one line of code, we must use the multiple-line (or block) syntax. This syntax includes the End If statement.

Dim x
x= 20
If x>10  Then

            msgbox "Hello QTP Inside"
            msgbox "x value is: "&x
            msgbox "Bye Bye"
End If

8.1.3 Running Certain Statements if a Condition is True and Running Others if a Condition is False


We can use an If...Then...Else statement to define two blocks of executable statements: one block to run if the condition is True, the other block to run if the condition is False.

Dim x
x= Inputbox (" Enter a value")
If x>100  Then

            Msgbox "Hello QTP Inside"
            Msgbox "X is a Big Number"
            Msgbox "X value is: "&X
            Msgbox "GCR"
    Msgbox "X is a Small Number"
   Msgbox "X value is: "&X
End If

8.1.4 Deciding Between Several Alternatives

A variation on the If...Then...Else statement allows us to choose from several alternatives. Adding ElseIf clauses expands the functionality of the If...Then...Else statement so we can control program flow based on different possibilities.


Dim x
x= Inputbox (" Enter a value")
If x>0 and x<=100 Then
            Msgbox "Hello QTP Inside"
            Msgbox "X is a Small Number"
            Msgbox  "X value is "&x
Else IF x>100 and x<=500 Then
            Msgbox "Hello GCR"
            Msgbox "X is a Medium Number"
Else IF x>500 and x<=1000 Then
            Msgbox "Hello QTP Inside"
            Msgbox "X is a Large Number"
            Msgbox "Hello Sir"
            Msgbox "X is a Grand Number"
End If
End If
End If

8.1.5 Executing a certain block of statements when two / more conditions are True (Nested If...)


Dim State, Region
State=Inputbox ("Enter a State")
Region=Inputbox ("Enter a Region")
If state= "AP"  Then
            If Region= "Telangana" Then
                        msgbox "Hello QTP Inside"
                        msgbox "Dist count is 10"
Else if Region= "Rayalasema" Then
                        msgbox "Hello GCR"
                        msgbox "Dist count is 4"
Else If Region= "Costal" Then
                        msgbox "Hello QTP Inside"
                        msgbox "Dist count is 9"
End If
End If
End If
End If

8.2 Making Decisions with Select Case

The Select Case structure provides an alternative to If...Then...ElseIf for selectively executing one block of statements from among multiple blocks of statements. A Select Case statement provides capability similar to the If...Then...Else statement, but it makes code more efficient and readable.


Option explicit

Dim x,y, Operation, Result

x= Inputbox (" Enter x value")

y= Inputbox ("Enter y value")

Operation= Inputbox ("Enter an Operation")

Select Case Operation

Case "add"

Result= cdbl (x)+cdbl (y)

Msgbox "Hello QTP Inside"

Msgbox "Addition of x,y values is "&Result

Case "sub"

Result= x-y

Msgbox "Hello QTP Inside"

Msgbox "Substraction of x,y values is "&Result

Case "mul"

Result= x*y

Msgbox "Hello QTP Inside"

Msgbox "Multiplication of x,y values is "&Result

Case "div"

Result= x/y

Msgbox "Hello QTP Inside"

Msgbox "Division of x,y values is "&Result

Case "mod"

Result= x mod y

Msgbox "Hello QTP Inside"

Msgbox "Mod of x,y values is "&Result

Case "expo"

Result= x^y

Msgbox "Hello QTP Inside"

Msgbox"Exponentation of x,y values is "&Result

Case Else

Msgbox "Hello QTP Inside

msgbox "Wrong Operation"

End Select


8.3 Other Examples


8.3.1 Write a program for finding out whether the given year is a leap year or not?

Dim xyear
xyear=inputbox ("Enter Year")
If xyear mod 4=0 Then
            msgbox "This is a Leap year"
            msgbox "This is NOT"
End If

8.3.2 Write a program for finding out whether the given number is, Even number or Odd number?

Dim num

num=inputbox ("Enter a number")

If num mod 2=0 Then

msgbox "This is a Even Number"


msgbox "This is a Odd Number"

End If


8.3.3 Read two numbers and display the sum?

Dim num1,num2, sum
num1=inputbox ("Enter num1")
num2=inputbox ("Enter num2")
            sum= Cdbl (num1) + Cdbl (num2) 'if we want add two strings conversion require
                   msgbox ("Sum is " &sum)

8.3.4 Read P,T,R values and Calculate the Simple Interest?

Dim p,t, r, si

p=inputbox ("Enter Principle")

t=inputbox ("Enter Time")

r=inputbox ("Enter Rate of Interest")

si= (p*t*r)/100 ' p= principle amount, t=time in years, r= rate of interest

msgbox ("Simple Interest is " &si)

8.3.5 Read Four digit number, calculate & display the sum of the number or display Error message if the number is not a four digit number?

Dim num, sum

num=inputbox ("Enter a Four digit number")

If Len(num) = 4 Then


sum=sum+num mod 10


num= left (num, 3)

sum=sum+num mod 10


num= left (num, 2)

sum=sum+num mod 10


num= left (num, 1)

sum=sum+num mod 10

msgbox ("Sum is " &sum)


msgbox "Number, you entered is not a 4 digit number"

End If

8.3.6 Read any Four digit number and display the number in reverse order?

Dim num,rev

num= inputbox("Enter a number")

If len(num)=4 Then

rev=rev*10 + num mod 10


num= left(num,3)

rev=rev*10 + num mod 10


num= left(num,2)

rev=rev*10 + num mod 10


num= left(num,1)

rev=rev*10 + num mod 10

msgbox "Reverse Order of the number is "&rev


msgbox "Number, you entered is not a 4 digit number"

End If

8.3.7 Read 4 subjects marks; calculate the Total marks and grade?

(a) If average marks Greater than or equal to 75, grade is Distinction b) If average marks Greater than or equal to 60 and less than 75 , then grade is First c) If average marks Greater than or equal to 50 and less than 60 , then grade is Second d) If average marks Greater than or equal to 40 and less than 50 , then grade is Third

e) Minimum marks 35 for any subject, otherwise 'no grade fail')

Dim e,m,p,c, tot

e=inputbox ("Enter english Marks")

m=inputbox ("Enter maths Marks")

p=inputbox ("Enter physics Marks")

c=inputbox ("Enter chemistry Marks")

tot= cdbl(e) + cdbl(m) + cdbl(p) + cdbl(c)

msgbox tot

If cdbl(e) >=35 and cdbl(m) >=35 and cdbl(p) >=35 and cdbl(c) >=35 and tot >=300 Then

msgbox "Grade is Distinction"

else If cdbl(e) >=35 and cdbl(m) >=35 and cdbl(p) >=35 and cdbl(c) >=35 and tot >=240 and tot<300>

msgbox "Grade is First"

else If cdbl(e) >=35 and cdbl(m) >=35 and cdbl(p) >=35 and cdbl(c) >=35 and tot >=200 and tot<240>

msgbox "Grade is Second"

else If cdbl(e) >=35 and cdbl(m) >=35 and cdbl(p) >=35 and cdbl(c) >=35 and tot >=160 and tot<200>

msgbox "Grade is Third"


msgbox "No Grade, Fail"

End If

End If

End If

End If

8.3.8 Display Odd numbers up to n?

Dim num,n

n=Inputbox ("Enter a Vaule")

For num= 1 to n step 2

msgbox num


8.3.9 Display Even numbers up to n?

Dim num,n

n=Inputbox ("Enter a Vaule")

For num= 2 to n step 2

msgbox num


8.3.10 display natural numers up to n and write in a text file?

Dim num, n, fso, myfile

n= inputbox ("Enter any Value")


For num= 1 to n step 1

Set fso= createobject ("scripting.filesystemobject")

set myfile=fso.opentextfile ("E:\gcr.txt", 8, true)

myfile.writeline num



8.11 Display Natural numbers in reverse order up to n?

Dim num,n

n=Inputbox ("Enter a Vaule")

For num=n to 1 step -1

msgbox num


8.12 Display Natural numbers sum up to n? (using For...Next Loop)

Dim num, n, sum

n= inputbox ("Enter a Value")


For num= 1 to n step 1

sum= sum+num


msgbox sum

8.13 Display Natural numbers sum up to n? (using While...Wend Loop)

Dim num, n, sum

n= inputbox ("Enter a Value")

While num <=cdbl (n)

sum= sum+num



msgbox sum

8.14 Display Natural numbers sum up to n? (using Do...Until...Loop)

Dim num, n, sum

n= inputbox ("Enter a Value")




sum= sum+num


Loop Until num =cdbl (n+1)

msgbox sum

8.15 Write a Function for Natural Numbers sum up to n?

Function NNumCou (n)

Dim num, sum


For num= 1 to n step 1

sum= sum+num


msgbox sum

End Function

8.16 Verify weather the entered 10 digit value is a numeric value or not?

Dim a,x,y,z,num

num=Inputbox ("Enter a Phone Number")

d1= left (num,1)

d10=Right (num,1)

d2=mid (num, 2, len (1))

d3=mid (num, 3, len (1))

d4=mid (num, 4, len (1))

d5=mid (num, 5, len (1))

d6=mid (num, 6, len (1))

d7=mid (num, 7, len (1))

d8=mid (num, 8, len (1))

d9=mid (num, 9, len (1))

If isnumeric (d1) = "True" and isnumeric (d2) = "True" and isnumeric (d3) = "True" and isnumeric (d4) = "True"and isnumeric (d5) = "True"and isnumeric (d6) = "True"and isnumeric (d7) = "True"and isnumeric (d8) = "True"and isnumeric (d9) = "True"and isnumeric (d10) = "True" Then

msgbox "It is a Numeric Value"


Msgbox "It is NOT Numeric"

End If

8.17 Verify weather the entered value is a 10 digit value or not and Numeric value or not? (using multiple if conditions)

Dim a,x,y,z,num

num=Inputbox ("Enter a Phone Number")

d1= left (num,1)

d10=Right (num,1)

d2=mid (num, 2, len (1))

d3=mid (num, 3, len (1))

d4=mid (num, 4, len (1))

d5=mid (num, 5, len (1))

d6=mid (num, 6, len (1))

d7=mid (num, 7, len (1))

d8=mid (num, 8, len (1))

d9=mid (num, 9, len (1))

If len (num) =10 Then

If isnumeric (d1) = "True" and isnumeric (d2) = "True" and isnumeric (d3) = "True" and isnumeric (d4) = "True"and isnumeric (d5) = "True"and isnumeric (d6) = "True"and isnumeric (d7) = "True"and isnumeric (d8) = "True"and isnumeric (d9) = "True"and isnumeric (d10) = "True" Then

msgbox "It is a Numeric Value"

End If

End If

If len (num) <> 10 Then

Msgbox "It is NOT valid Number "

End If