Automation Framework is not a qtp feature, it’s a 3rd party concept. And this is purely local concept.(framework may vary from one company to another)
1. Record/Playback or Linear Framework (1st generation framework).
In this Framework we create tests using recording,low resources maintenance, Form batches and executing tests.
Drawbacks: Modifications and maintenance are difficult,less command on scripts,low performance ---etc
2. Modular Framework.
In this Framework,reusable components can be recognized,first we concentrate on creating reusable components, then creating tests using those components.
It reduces test Automation time
Performance is high than recording and playback
Less usage of keywords, no concentration on Data driven testing and low performance than latest Frameworks like Keyword Driven Framework.
3. Data Driven Framework
In this Framework,we concentrate more on Data Driven testing.We recognize positive and negative scenarios,then collecting test data and parameterizing.
We can check reliability of the system,positive and negative testing.
Less concentration on complex Functionality Testing and low keywords usage.
4. Keyword Driven framework
5. Hybrid Framework
In the above frameworks Keyword Driven framework is very famous in the industry.
It is a mixing of more than one approach.
In this approach,we mix Data driven and Modular approaches OR Data Driven and Keyword Driven approaches---etc
Scope is very high as we mix different approaches,Flexible for performing any tasks.
Organizing and managing resources are difficult,complex architecture,low in performance.
NOTE: Now a days Mix of Data driven and Keyword driven approaches is a famous Hybrid Framework in the industry.